14 Funny Cat Reactions that Suits Up Every Day Situations

1. When you find your dad using your computer and you had forgotten to delete the history .

When you accidentally send a text to the person you were talking smack about:

2. When someone asks fatty “Did you lose weight?”


When someone asks you "Did you lose weight?" like it's some kind of compliment:

3. When you’re home alone but you hear a creaking noise in another room .

When you're home alone but you hear a creaking noise in another room:

4. When your roommate makes too much food for dinner and asks if you want the rest .

When your roommate makes too much food for dinner and asks if you want the rest:

5. When you can’t execute a pose in yoga class and you just sit there hoping no one else notices

When you can't execute a pose in yoga class and you just sit there hoping no one else notices:

6. When a new place opens up near your apartment .

When a new bagel place opens up near your apartment:

7. When your waiter brings out food and you’re trying to tell if it’s for your table

When your waiter brings out food and you're trying to tell if it's for your table:

8. When someone wears Uggs to a wedding:

When someone wears Uggs to a wedding:

9. When you open your laptop in a meeting and “Party in the USA” starts playing at full volume:

When you open your laptop in a meeting and "Party in the USA" starts playing at full volume:

10. When you hear your roommate yell “Who ate the last Girl Scout cookie?!” two rooms away

When you hear your roommate yell "Who ate the last Girl Scout cookie?!" two rooms away:

11. When someone uses the word “irregardless” in earnest

When someone uses the word "irregardless" in earnest:

12. When a crying baby on the subway is testing your last nerve

When a crying baby on the subway is testing your last nerve:

13. When you run into that kid you had a class with senior year but you can’t remember his name

When you run into that kid you had a class with senior year but you can't remember his name:

14. When someone with a clipboard stops you on the street and asks “Do you care about children?”

When someone with a clipboard stops you on the street and asks "Do you care about children?":

About sanchit

Hi , I am a story teller who loves to share his views and experiences with you guys .I love to travel and explore things and i guess that makes me cool enough.
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